The Gulf Coast Rep is committed to providing a professional work environment free from discrimination, unlawful harassment, and retaliation. Accordingly, The Gulf Coast Rep has adopted the following policies, which are designed to prevent unlawful conduct in the workplace, encourage professional and respectful behavior in the workplace, promote the reporting of potential violations, and foster taking corrective action where appropriate, even if the violation does not rise to the level of unlawful conduct.

All employees, visiting artists, contractors, and volunteers are expected to assume responsibility for maintaining a professional work environment in accordance with these policies. As such, any individual who experiences potential violations of the following policies are strongly encouraged to promptly report them so that The Gulf Coast Rep Board of Directors may have an opportunity to address and resolve any concerns. All employees (particularly supervisors) are required to immediately report any potential violations of the following policies. The Gulf Coast Rep is committed to responding to alleged violations of these policies in a timely and fair manner and to taking appropriate action aimed at ending the prohibited conduct.

Who is covered:

These policies protect all employees of the Playhouse as well as interns, volunteers, and potential employees (applicants). All employees of The Gulf Coast Rep are required to abide by these policies, regardless of position or status, including supervisors, management, and co-workers. In addition, these policies prohibit unlawful harassment by any third parties. The Gulf Coast Rep will take all reasonable steps to prevent or eliminate unlawful harassment by non- employees, including patrons, board members, clients, vendors, contractors, and suppliers, who have workplace contact with our employees.